Theme Help Centre


Uploading a theme on your Shopify website is super easy. The process involves the use of a few simple steps and you can get your theme uploaded on your own. 

You need a theme for starters, which you can access through the following three options:

  1. You already have a theme uploaded in one store, and you want to transfer it to another one
  2. You already have a new theme
  3. You want to download and use a theme from Shopify App Store

In options (2) and (3), you need to make sure the ZIP file is downloaded on your computer. Once that is done, the process is simple: 

Step 1: Click on the Online Store >Themes section

 Step 2: On the right in the ‘Theme Library,’ click the ‘Add theme’ link.

Upload the file from your PC and ‘Upload File.’ 

Step 3: Your theme is now ready. You can then click on ‘Actions’ and ‘Preview’ the theme or ‘Publish’ it. 

Step 4: Before Publishing the theme, you can ‘Customize’ your theme. Just click on the button next to the Actions button. 

Step 5: Publish your theme and enjoy the bold new look of your online store. 

And, your very own personalized theme is ready! 

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