Theme Help Centre

Featured Products – Luxury theme

The “Featured Products” section displays a single product as featured product. You can customize the section by following:

Heading label 

Add “text” that you want the “Featured product” section to be known as in the “Heading label” text field. We have not added any. 

Products in a row

Drag and drop to select the number of products you want to be featured in a row. It could be two, three or four.

Next, you can make the view all button visible by clicking on the checkbox. You also have the choice to label the view all button as per your requirement. Fill the “View all link label” text field with the name you want. 

Then paste the link on the “View all link” text field to redirect the customers to the page you want them to visit.

Select Featured Product 

Select the products you want to display as “Featured product” on the homepage by clicking on the “Select product” button.

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