Theme Help Centre

Author: websiteadmin

Checkout page – Crafts-dev

Choose the checkout page option from the drop-down on the top. (image)  You can choose the banner header image for the checkout page. (image)  You can also add the logo, select the position of the logo (left, center, right), and the logo size (small, medium, large) For the main content area, . . . Read more

Blog Posts – Crafts Theme

Customizing the Slideshow was not difficult right?  But, creating ‘blog posts’ are a little tougher than creating a slideshow.  Well, it has two steps you need to finish before actually customizing the blog.  Now, 1 is easy but 2 is a bit difficult. You need to go back to the . . . Read more

Colors – Craft Theme

In the colors section, you can choose: a) General colors – the header colors and text colors for content and paragraphs b) Button colors – background button colors, and button text colors   c) Button hover colors – colors used for buttons, and button text  

Layout – Crafts Theme

You can use any of the two layout options for your store:  1) Boxed Layout – Click on the check box for this basic layout option 2) Extend layout – For a broader layout option you can use the extend layout section 

Navigation – Craft Theme

In this section, you can choose the Menu type – Normal or Mega Menu.  When you select the ‘Normal Menu’  then the mega menu options will not show.  You also need to select the number of ‘Mega menu’ options you want to show- 1, 2, 3, 4 The final selection . . . Read more