Theme Help Centre

Focal Banner

Section Background Image:

Click on “Upload Images”.

Ensure the image format is JPG.

Recommended size for focal image is ‘1920 x 980’.

Overlay Color:

Choose the desired overlay color for the section.

Overlay Opacity:

Adjust the opacity level of the overlay.

Enable Button:

Toggle the button option on if you want to add a button in the focal banner.

Enable Link:

Toggle the link option on if you want to add a clickable link in the focal banner.

Focal Point (This step is within the section settings):

a. Focal Image:

Click on “Upload Images”.

Ensure the image format is JPG.

Add a similar image for the focal point with a different image name. If the image name is the same, the focal position will remain the same.

Select Focal Product:

Choose the product or item you want to highlight as the focal point.

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