Theme Help Centre

Footer – Elegance Theme

  • Logo Footer :

Uploading a Logo for Footer from Theme Settings:
(Logo must be .svg or .png file)

Navigate to Theme Settings: Inside the customizer, you’ll find a list of customization options on the left-hand side. Look for or click on the “Logo” section. Select Logo option.

Upload Logo for Header: Under the logo settings, you’ll likely find an option for the footer logo. Click on the “Logo Footer” to upload the logo for header. 

Save Changes and Preview: Once you’re satisfied with the header logo setup, click the “Save” button to save your changes and preview.

  • Footer Menu :

Footer Customization:

Footer Style:

Toggle between “Footer Style One” and “Footer Style Two” to select the desired footer layout.

Footer Style One Options:

If you choose “Footer Style One,” you’ll have the following customization options:

a. Menu 1 Title:

Specify a title for the first menu in the footer.

b. Assign Footer Menu 1:

Choose the specific menu you want to assign to Menu 1 in the footer.

c. Menu 2 Title:

Specify a title for the second menu in the footer.

d. Assign Footer Menu 2:

Choose the specific menu you want to assign to Menu 2 in the footer.

e. Footer Menu List:

Within the footer, you can add blocks to the footer menu list. These blocks may contain various types of content like product types, page links, collections, social links, product tags, currency & region.

Footer Menu List Customization:

Menu List Title:

Give a title to the menu list block.

Footer Menu Type:

Choose the type of content you want to include in the menu list block. Options include product types, page links, collections, social links, product tags, product type, currency & region.

Menu Links:

Define the links that belong to the selected menu type.

Collection List:

If you choose “Collections” as the menu type, select the specific collection list you want to include.


Specify the collection you want to feature.

Number of Links:

Define the number of links you want to display for the selected menu type.

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