Theme Help Centre

Adding Metafield: Product Features

 To add dynamic features with images to each of the products for your Shopify Store, follow these steps:

Store Dashboard => Settings => Custom Data => Products Tab => Click on “Add Definition”

Set the following fields as follows:

Name: Product Features

Namespace & Key: custom.product_features

Select Type: Metaobject & List of Entries

3. For metaobject: Under “Reference” Select add definition

4. When creating your metaobject definition, complete the following steps:

Set “Name” as “Feature Item”

Click “Add field” => Select “File” option => File Name: Image, Select “One File” option and “Accept specific file types” selecting only “Images”, Click Add

Click “Add field” => Select “Single line text” option => File Name: Title, Select “One Value” optio, enable Required field, enable Use this field as display name, Click Add

Once you are done creating the definition with required fields, enable Storefronts  option in Access tab and Save

5. On your newly created “Product Features” metafield definition, enable Storefronts  option in Access tab and Save

6. Navigate to Dashboard => Products => Select required product => Scroll down to Metafields section => Click on Product Features field => Select Entries => Create new entry and fill in the required fields to add features to your product

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