Theme Help Centre

Footer -Luxury Theme

The footer is the end or the piece-de-resistance of your page. Here you can add four blocks to show customers, services, and newsletter options. 

For the services section, you need to add a background image – that you can upload from your PC or choose a free image. You can change or remove the image anytime. To enable the service section, click on the “Enable” checkbox and then select a background color from the color picker.

For the icons, you have to put the headingdetails and the icon image you want to add. The recommended size of the icon image is 140 x 140px. You have three icons to display in the footer.

For the newsletter, you can hide or remove the newsletter in the footer if you have already added a section on your page. If you want it to appear in the footer then just click on enable and add the heading labeldescription, and the snippet (if any), and it’s ready. 

You can always add categories, main menu, footer menu or any menu that you already have created and once you have saved the new menu, you can add it to your footer menu.

Now click on “add footer menu” to add heading labels and assign the footer menus by clicking on the “change” button.

Note: You can always add or remove any section you do not want on your site or you can just hide it until required. You can also change the placement of the sections according to what you require. You can add the video above the slideshow or move the social feeds just before the Footer. 

The sequence depends entirely on you and your creativity. However, remember a customer will leave not stay for more than 15 seconds on your site if he/she has to scroll for too long. So, considering that, make sure you know what is important and where you want to add it to your site. 

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